Hey, I’m Michelle. Happy to see you’ve landed here, let me tell you a bit about myself! I have been interested in art and drawing since I was a kid and always found my way into art communities throughout my schooling. I fell in love with graphic design during college and knew it was the best choice for me to work in a creative way since there are so many avenues to branch out in.
Along with always participating in art I also was finding my way into music by going to concerts and talking to musicians. This helped shape a lot of my work and find my way into the entertainment business. My main focus right now is working and doing graphics in film and television, but I also enjoy doing logos, branding, poster design, album artwork, social media, and dabble in some printmaking every now and then.
On my free time, when I’m not cuddled up reading a book with my dog, I love staying active and being within the fitness community as well. I have been a gymnastics coach for 9 years and did the sport from the time I was eight to seventeen. Coaching and helping kids see what their bodies and minds are capable of has been so fulfilling for me and I’m happy to help make an impact on their lives. I keep myself active by doing crossfit, hiking, and just spending some time in nature.